ETU News

ETU's training simulations protecting against LGBTQ harassment

Sexual harassment prevention simulation demo

ETU is proud to announce the recent launch of simulations focused on topics related to gender, gender identity, and gender expression in the workplace. ETU is one of the only companies providing workplace training that protects the LGBTQ community from harassment and hostile work environments.

Our simulations provide a safe, private place for learners to examine real-world scenarios involving gender transition of co-workers, sexual harassment, diversity and inclusion. With the launch of our newest set of simulations, learners are able to consider how they would react in situations involving gender transition of a co-worker -- and they receive in the moment feedback on their response via a coach.

These award-winning simulations are now available as standalone solutions for ETU’s customers.

Experience one of ETU’s gender diversity simulations in our 5-minute demo here.

In this unit, the learner plays the role of a manager whose direct reports are Sandra, Brandon, and Mika. Mika is an employee who recently completed a gender transition. A team member has asked to meet with you, and the meeting is due to begin. It's up to you to negotiate the conversation.

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