ETU News

ETU launches two new simulations on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

DE&I Simulations

ETU has today announced the launch of two new simulation programs on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) topics. One of the DEI training simulations addresses workplace situations that involve racial microaggressions, and the other addresses gender.

The immersive online DEI simulations drop learners into teaching moments that evoke strong emotion and prompt them to think through how to react. Participants are prompted to make choices about how to deal with unconscious bias in a team meeting. The simulations have received extremely positive feedback throughout the development and testing process.

"Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is arguably one of the most important strategic topics for learning leaders today. We've witnessed strong demand for this type of solution. These new simulations will meet the needs of leaders looking to develop DE&I skills within their workforce," said Michael Veale, ETU's CEO.

To find out more about the new simulations, take a 5 minute demo experience below.

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