ETU News

Streamline simulation localization with the ETU Spring 2023 release

ETU's Learning Simulation Platform Spring 2023 release

The ETU platform is tried and tested for large global rollouts. Based on this experience, we have optimized the localization process to reduce time and cost. Traditional constraints associated with translating learning experiences have been reduced or removed entirely, leading to an improved learner experience for all. The new language management module reduces the translation effort by up to 80%.

The latest release also enables additional integration options, as highlighted below.

Language Management

The release includes a new language management module that allows authors to manage multiple languages simply and quickly. The upgrade reduces the time taken to manage translations in the learning simulation platform by over 80%. The advanced process automation also eliminates the potential for manual errors in simulation translation management.

Sample language importFigure 1 - Sample language import

Leverage your existing simulation investment through localization and provide local language variations to learners for higher engagement and improved learner outcomes. The new approach to translation also unifies the skills data analysis of a simulation taken in all languages to identify additional skills data insights and critical trends.

Language preference selection

Figure 2 - Leaner language preference selection

SAML-based SSO

The new SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) Service in the ETU platform extends the range of SSO options available to clients. This is particularly useful where an ETU simulation is deployed outside of an LMS, and the client has an existing SAML-based authentication framework.

SAML ServiceFigure 3 - SAML-based SSO use case


Please speak with your Account Manager or contact us to learn more about the latest release.

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