ETU News

Extend the reach of simulation training with ETU’s LSP release 22.3

New decision confidence and ranking interaction types within ETU's LSP


The Learning Simulation Platform release 22.3 extends the reach of immersive simulation training. With even more interaction types, learning designers can now embed knowledge checks in the simulation experience itself. The upgrade will also accelerate the rollout of courses through the automated generation of closed captions.

Highlights from the release include:

Knowledge Check

This new feature provides a formative assessment of an individual's understanding of content. Knowledge check can be used to help the learner acquire specific knowledge or ensure that the learner understands any remedial content presented in the Immersive Simulator before continuing.

Knowledge checkFigure 1 - Learner experience of a sample knowledge check

Auto-Populate Closed Captions

This new feature accelerates the production of closed caption (VTT) files by automatically transcribing the speech from uploaded video or audio media. Our integrated transcription service can now create all the VTT files needed for a complete simulation in minutes. This platform upgrade significantly reduces the production time to deliver a fully accessible learner experience.

Auto generated closed captions

Figure 2 - QA review of captions in the Simulation Builder

The VTT files are generated and are immediately available in the Simulation Builder for editing and comparison with existing files. All media for a simulation can be processed in a single batch. This includes all areas where video/audio may be present, i.e. decision points, pass/ fail messages, knowledge check, etc.

To learn more about these features please speak with your Account Manager or contact us.

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