
Insights and resources

Discover more about the latest, cutting edge, behavioral learning methodologies, practices and technology. After years of related award-winning PhD research, we have much to share. Explore the resources below to learn more.

Building critical skills with immersive learning

Watch this Brandon Hall Group webinar, sponsored by ETU, for expert advice on benefits, best practices, and examples of how companies are building skills with simulations.

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IBM upskill 100k learners with adaptive simulations

Watch this recording to hear about IBM's path on their transformation journey. Learn about the best practices leading to impressive projected seat-time savings of learners who test out of the program.

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3 fail-proof parts of an upskilling strategy

Watch this Association of Talent Development webinar, sponsored by ETU, for expert advice on honing your upskilling and reskilling strategy.

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Simulation effectiveness for employee training: Merck & CLO Symposium

Watch this recorded panel discussion from the CLO Symposium, featuring Theresa Zeller and Jennifer Iannetta of Merck, who shared measured results from the use of simulation-based learning, and some of their best practices when it comes to immersive learning.

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Delivering measurable behavior change with immersive simulation

Watch this Training Magazine Network webinar, sponsored by ETU, to hear how leading organizations have successfully added immersive simulation to upskill and delight learners at scale.

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How to build DE&I capability using immersive learning simulations

Join this Financial Services Learning & Talent Development Innovations conference session, sponsored by ETU, to take a closer look at how L&D teams are using simulation technology to build DE&I skills and awareness within their workforce.

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Training Industry leader talk: experiential learning technologies

During this Training Industry Leader Talk, thought leaders from industry innovators will explore the varying uses for experiential technologies and demonstrate how learning leaders can leverage these solutions to provide impactful learning solutions that result in learning transfer.

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How immersive learning is driving a new era of risk governance

Watch this recorded Compliance Week webinar, sponsored by ETU, to learn how simulation learner data can protect you under DOJ, SEC, and IMF regulatory guidelines.

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Product demo: ETU's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion simulations

Join this complimentary Training Industry webinar, sponsored by ETU, to watch a DE&I learning simulation in action.

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Rapid upskilling using immersive simulations and data analytics

Join this complimentary Training Industry webinar, sponsored by ETU, to learn how scenario-based simulations can effectively upskill your workforce at scale.

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Simulations made simple: debunking 3 simulation myths

Watch this webinar to debunk 3 simulations myths, and take a firsthand look at why sims might be easier to implement than you think.

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