
Insights and resources

Discover more about the latest, cutting edge, behavioral learning methodologies, practices and technology. After years of related award-winning PhD research, we have much to share. Explore the resources below to learn more.

Reskilling revolution: preparing your workforce for a new digital era

Digital transformation is a top priority for many organizations today. Have a look at our infographic to explore which skills matter most, and how to deliver learning to upskill and reskill.

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The “why” and “how” of using simulations as diagnostics for learning

Explore a flipped approach to learning - one that focuses on diagnostic measurement first, then moves to learning and performance.

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Immersive simulations drive performance in a new digitized world

The world has changed, and we can all feel it in how we live, where we work, and how we perform on the job. Now, more than two months into a forced virtual work world, businesses still face the choice of what is best for profits and people.

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Futureproofing L&D in a global consultancy

Discover how rapid digitization of learning in our corporate leadership development programs case study delivered $20m in ROI for a global consultancy firm.

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Accelerated learning digitization at scale in a world changed forever

The world has changed, and we can all feel it. The global health crisis has only accelerated the urgency for more effective virtual learning solutions that truly deliver on business goals.

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ETU Provides COVID-19 Learning Simulations for Medical Workers

ETU has partnered with Ireland’s Royal College of Surgeons to create an online simulation for medical workers who are on the front-lines of COVID-19. 

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Sustainable behavior change: Metrics, measurements and methods

In a marketplace where over $400+ billion is spent every year, Talent and L&D executives face increasing pressure to demonstrate that their investment in talent development programs is paying off through sustainable behavior change and ROI. 

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Four must-haves when digitizing classroom learning

The digital transformation of L&D continues at pace. Have a look at the startling stats backing up this claim and discover four essential ‘must haves’ to consider when planning your digital learning programs.

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Three steps to get started with simulation learning

Virtual learning is poised to leap forward during the Covid-19 public health crisis because workers in the knowledge economy have shifted to virtual environments.  As the working world becomes more digital and automated, so too does much of the learning world.

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Digital upskilling of US workforce

Discover how ETUs immersive, behavioral learning & measurement simulations are transforming a major consulting firm in our leadership development training case study.

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ETU hires new Head of Marketing to support rapid growth

ETU today announced that East Apthorp has joined its team as Head of Marketing. 

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