
Insights and resources

Discover more about the latest, cutting edge, behavioral learning methodologies, practices and technology. After years of related award-winning PhD research, we have much to share. Explore the resources below to learn more.

IBM upskill 100k learners with adaptive simulations

Watch this recording to hear about IBM's path on their transformation journey. Learn about the best practices leading to impressive projected seat-time savings of learners who test out of the program.

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It’s time to reboot your learning measurement

In this new world, where the delivery options are limited, it is critical to know if your learning programs are increasing skills and advancing business outcomes. Now's the time to reboot your measurement approach -- here are four steps to get started. 

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Upskill me or lose me

One of the most effective ways to retain workers is through corporate learning initiatives that upskill or reskill them. Explore this concept more fully.

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3 fail-proof parts of an upskilling strategy

Watch this Association of Talent Development webinar, sponsored by ETU, for expert advice on honing your upskilling and reskilling strategy.

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3 resolutions to engage & retain your employees

ETU's Chief Services Officer, Sowmya Sudhindranath, recently contributed an article to Training Industry magazine that focused on how organizations can improve employee engagement and retention rates.

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What naturally follows the Great Resignation?

ETU's Chief Executive Officer, Michael Veale, recently contributed an article to CEOWORLD magazine that focused on how organizations can utilize reskilling and upskilling for engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.

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Upskilling by the numbers: Reach your workforce with impact and speed

Upskilling and reskilling has never been more important. Have a look at our infographic that outlines the key skills, compares delivery methods and shares real world results.

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Simulation learning: Optimizing behavior change at scale

Chief Learning Officer recently took a look at the ability of learning simulations to effectively deliver meaningful, engaging, impactful learning content to virtually any audience. Download the report for a deep dive into simulation effectiveness.

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Build organizational culture through immersive experiences

ETU's Chief Operating Officer, Declan Dagger, recently contributed an article to Training Industry that focused on building organizational culture through immersive experiences. 

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4 strategies to upskill your hybrid team effectively

Upskilling hybrid teams will continue to be a major 2022 goal. Here are 4 strategies to ensure organizations can upskill their hybrid team effectively.

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ETU takes triple gold at Brandon Hall technology awards

ETU won 3 coveted Brandon Hall Group gold awards for excellence, and 1 bronze award. The awards were won jointly with ETU’s client Merck & Co.

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